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  • Writer's pictureYan LIu

Week 9: Group Seminar: Transmedia Interactivity for the Purpose of Marketing and Advertising

This week, we also stayed at home, using zoom for online group seminar. This week's presentations and workshops were hosted by Tim, Josephine and Michella. The theme of the speech was "media interaction for marketing and advertising purposes". Michella first introduced us to a variety of marketing and advertising. She taught us the difference between ATL, BTL and TTL marketing. ATL stands for "above the line", which is mainly used to attract customers and build awareness and brand awareness. For example: TV advertisement printing advertisement, radio advertisement and printing advertisement. BTL stands for "offline", more personalized and responsive than ATL. Examples of BTL include sponsorship, public relations, direct marketing, and in store promotions. TTL stands for "through the line", which is when ATL and BTL are integrated. TTL is the best way to communicate with customers. The only disadvantage is its high cost. Michella then provided us with a case study of Coca Cola's TTL activities with young Australians. Next, Josephine introduces us to the development of social media, how to use them and some decline. Finally, Tim introduced us to cross media storytelling and marketing. This is when all the components of an activity are connected to each other - the message that is conveyed through different media is not the same message. Then, time provides us with some case studies, including 18 months of promotional activities, halo promotional activities and airbnb promotional activities before the release of the Dark Knight Batman movie.


We divided the workshop into four groups. Each group needed to use social media to push different flavors of chocolate. We use Tik tok, which is now very popular, as the main social media, to get the click through the chocolate challenge, and also to let more people participate in it.

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